
This is a place where we can create sacred space of hospitality, where we can get to know one another a bit better.  That’s the point, isn’t it…that we engage authentically with one another about the things that matter?

I've been a psychotherapist for 25 years, and I've learned some things about our inner world.  I'm an educator and consultant, and a singer and actor.  My intention now is to bring into the world what I've learned over the years about the psyche, about deeply embedded relational patterns, about healing together.

My hope is that we can co-create a safe-enough space together, where what needs to get said, can get said.  In reflective practice, we learn to know what is true in our inner world.  But that's not enough.  We need to find ways to shift from knowing alone to knowing together - good things, hard things; whatever needs to be known together. 

On this site I'll be sharing some of what I'm doing, and what I'm thinking about.  I welcome your responses.  After all, we're in this together.
