

Individual Psychotherapy

I’m a seasoned therapist with 25 years of experience working with a wide variety of individual clients and couples.  The essence of my work involves mindful awareness, working with deeply embedded relational patterns, and creation of a healing relationship between the therapist and the client. If you’re looking for quick symptom relief of anxiety or depression, I’m probably not the right therapist for you.



I am available to consult with practicing psychotherapists to deepen their understanding and awareness of the relational dimensions of psychotherapy.  The approach I take is integrated across many theories and practices, including Jungian Depth Psychology, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Gestalt, and newer approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and many others.  The common denominator for everything we do involves being present in an intersubjective relationship with our clients.  Together we can look at areas such as our self-use as a therapists, transference and countertransference, and the relational field we create with clients who have been deeply traumatized. 



I have taught Theories and Practices of psychotherapy for more than 7 years, as well as leadership and mindful communication/dialogue.  In addition, I taught singing for 30 years, concentrating on authentic self-expression as well as vocal technique.  My teaching style integrates conceptual and experiential learning, with an emphasis on the willingness to be courageous enough to learn in public (for myself as well as my students).



I have led a number of workshops focusing on the deeper relational aspects of psychotherapy, the conversation of science and soul, and the relationship between our left and right hemispheric orientations.