Knowing Together

Something many of us tend to forget is that we are in this together.  We suffer, as Albert Einstein put it, from the “optical delusion” of separateness.  We pursue our own goals, strive for our own achievements, and feel ashamed when we fall short - which we always do.

Yet, we are essentially relational beings.  From our earliest moments, we seek connection. Even neuroscientists are coming to the conclusion that our brains are relational organs, connecting us with our bodies and with other people.  Our brains are not limited to the space between our ears.  Rather, as the neuroscientist and author Dan Siegel puts it, our brains are embodied and embedded in a relational network. 

We have reached a time in our history when one person alone can’t know what needs to be known.  We can only find our way forward by coming together, and knowing together.

To give you a fuller notion of what I mean, here’s a video about a workshop I led recently on “knowing together.”